Possible Sources of Male Discharge
- urethra;
- sebaceous glands;
- Abnormal skin structure.
Attention gentlemen!Paying regular attention to your genitals will help you notice any changes in the nature of your male discharge..
- quantity;
- color depth;
- consistency;
- occurrence frequency.
for your information!The same disease can present with different types of discharge. Instead, different male disorders present with the same discharge from the penis.
Nature’s secrets that don’t attract attention
- The natural state of excitement or morning;
- increased pressure on abdominal organs;
- function of sebaceous glands;
- Sperm after intercourse.
attention!Morning discharge may contain sperm, so this should be taken into consideration when planning a family. If it enters the female reproductive organs, pregnancy is possible.
Signs of serious illness
- white;
- Suppurative;
- yellow;
- With blood.
- Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis or chlamydia);
- Disturbance of microbial communities;
- Various injuries to the urethra.